Summer 2019

Johan Nieuwenburg

The rattling. Old cameras on


Dizzy Dirty  Spider. Tarantula.

Dirty Dirty Pussy & Dirty 

Dirty Cock.

Dirty socks in my mouth 

when when when I say I love.

Marc Blackie

Iron Muzzle at first Date. A

butterfly knife when you

fainted in the park due to the

fear of the new day.

Together we sharpened that

blade. The knife grinder

called Frank and he sneezed

when he introduced himself.


Damien Bouffault

Language you speak.

Understanding of dead



A war between ronin.

When we talk about night.


Canines. Moorland. Tagliasti

la gola al racconto notturno.

Holm's profile unda a cross.

So windy outside.


TooLoud. Vibra terreno se tu parli. Armenian. Ti sento. Orc. Angriffe: 4stars for Poignee Griffe.

Sharif Meghdoud

Remo. Oar. Navigo. Jugend.

Huge. Jugend. Tile. Hide in.

Tile. Tales.